
Is this you? šŸ¤”


You are stuck between wanting to throw your scale in the trash but are terrified that if you do then you are damning yourself to poor health


Every time you go to the doctor - no matter what you go in for, you get a lecture on BMI + your need for weight loss - only to come back online into the intuitive eating world to be told, ā€œbut you donā€™t need to lose weight for healthā€.


Itā€™s confusing as f*ck.


Everything about intuitive eating + making peace with food and your body resonates with you.

But it sounds too good to be true

Thoughts holding you back might look like :

šŸ„¹ thereā€™s no way I can be healthy in this body

(or a larger body)


šŸ’­ what will others think of me if Iā€™m not losing weight? If I gain even more weight?


šŸ˜£ what about the accessibility Iā€™ll lose if my body changes?


šŸ©ŗ my doctors will continue to blame my body size as the cause of my ailments.


Hear me, my friend. This is wrong. 

And YOU deserve better.


We live in a very weight centric, fatphobic world. So, your desire weight loss make sense. 


I donā€™t even know you and I know that you have tried EVERYTHING. You have done everything in your power to manipulate your body size. I believe you. I believe your efforts.


And while I exist with body privilege and will never know the hardship some of you experience existing in a larger body, the truth remains the same.


Intentional weight loss does not work long term.


Moreso, youā€™ve been gaslit. You have been told that weight loss will make you healthy. And thatā€™s bullsh*t.



But what is NOT bullsh*t?


That we live in a fatphobic society. It is easier to live in this world in a smaller body. And if I could change the world, I would.


But I canā€™t.

I can only help YOU change your world.

It starts with shifting your desire for weight loss. 


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What You'll Learn

In this video training, I will teach you about where the desire for weight loss comes from and how to start shifting your desire so you can begin focusing on health detached from weight. 



Where does your desire for weight loss come from? What have you been told about weight before? What have previous weight loss attempts been like for you? Have you experienced losing weight only to regain even more weight later on?



Giving yourself non-judgmental permission to explore your thoughts and fears related to health and body size.



What does a life detached from diet culture and the constant pursuit of weight loss look like for you? Letā€™s begin imagining what life looks like and feels like finally free from food and body obsession. 

ā€œWhat if I believe I have to lose weight for my health? Is this training still for me?ā€


Your desire for weight loss isnā€™t wrong or bad. Itā€™s normal and itā€™s probably what you have been told your entire life. BUT - just because itā€™s normal, does not mean you have to do it. 

Because of this weight obsessed society we live in, I find that people have not even given themselves a chance to explore what health looks like detached from body shape and size. 

I believe that every human deserves to work on their health on their OWN terms. Health is not one size fits all. I believe that you deserve to have the tools + strategies that will help you learn how to achieve health detached from body shape + size, which is why Iā€™m giving this training away for absolutely free. 

Letā€™s lean into this conversation together! 



It's free. What do you have to lose?

Begin your exploration of health without weight loss TODAY. 

We respect your privacy! You may unsubscribe at any time.

What My Clients Have Said About Working With Me on
Finding Health Without Weight Loss... 

"Mack is the first person that helped me truly believe my body deserves dignity and respect."

"She never pressured me that I had to let go of my desire for weight loss, rather she helped me come to that conclusion myself by exploring my belief system with me. She helped me make sense of my thoughts and feelings. As a result I can confidently say I no longer feel like Iā€™m tethered to diet culture."

Molly R.

"I never thought I could live a life where I wasn't dieting, but Mack has shown me how that's possible."

ā€œIā€™m grateful for Mack because she provided me with the tools, resources, and skills that I needed to feel empowered to let go of my diet obsessed thoughts. I never thought I could live a life where I wasnā€™t dieting, but Mack has shown me how thatā€™s possible and I feel healthier now than I did while I was dieting!ā€

Stephanie K.